Luca Mona

Creative Alchemy


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My Methods

1. ThetaHealing®
A meditation technique that uses theta brain waves to access the subconscious mind and change your limiting beliefs.

2. Creative Alchemy
This method helps shift your perspective of a situation towards a more empowering one. This transformation is taking place on a mind, soul, as well as body level and is encoded in a drawing that we create during the session.

(More detailed info in FAQ section below)

Session Packages

A. The Mini Shift - 3 sessions
(3 x 120€)

B. Look Within - 5 sessions
(5 x 115€)

C. Transform - 7 sessions
(7 x 110€)

3-Month Program

Sway Your Lifestyle - 12 sessions.
(12 x 100€)

Weekly sessions will help you completely rewire several aspects of your life. You will feel significantly more empowered in your day to day life.


Some emails I got from clients :)


Learn more about me and what I do.

For as long as I can remember I've always been fascinated by the way people's minds operate. The more I get to look beyond the conscious mind the more amazed I am by how powerful we really are when we are aware of our programming.

My main drive in the past decade has been to getting to know myself better on every level. I'm a certified Reiki practitioner, trained in Craniosacral therapy, and a Hatha Yoga teacher. Additionally, I have had the opportunity to look into numerous other healing modalities, but no other technique has left a greater impression on me than ThetaHealing®.

Since becoming a certified ThetaHealing® practitioner in 2015, I've worked with hundreds of people and helped them change and transform towards a more empowered version of themselves. My sessions give me joy and they are oftentimes the highlight of my day.


Find more detailed information here.


Send me a message using the form below.

Contact Info

Want to get in touch?

Telephone, WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger: request in form below
Email: use contact form below
Location: Currently in Asia ☀️

Disclaimer: The information as well as the services provided here are not aimed at diagnosing, treating or preventing any illness. Anyone who has a health issue should consult a qualified practitioner. Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information held on this web-site is correct, and correctly accredited to the source.